
вторник, 22 декабря 2020 г.


 01. Knick Knack Man (03:51)

02. Withering Wood (02:28)

03. Sadness Of Toby Jugg (02:40)

04. A Penny For The Sun (03:06)

05. I'll Stay (02:07)

06. Girl Of Yesterday (03:11)

07. I Can't Walk Back (02:54)

08. Let Me Reassure You (02:20)

09. Mr Poor Man (03:45)

10. Ice Cream Dreams (02:49)

11. Doing What Mamma Said (02:40)

12. See Me (02:03)

13. Reflections Of A Common Theme [45 Version] (02:41)

14. Sunday Morning (02:55)

15. Deep In My Heart (03:53)

16. Going My Way (The Wind Blows) (03:15)

17. Give Me Something New (Save Me Save Me) (03:26)

18. Reflections Of A Common Theme [Album Version] (02:37)

19. Don't Look Down Your Nose (04:12)

20. Only I Can Do It (03:54)

21. Come And Sit By Me (06:40)


дебютный альбом одноименной шотландской группы Cartoone, вышедший на Atlantic Records в 1969 году. Альбом примечателен как своей музыкой, так и тем, что в титрах его указан Джимми Пейдж в качестве приглашенного музыканта. 


Cartoone образовались в 1967 году в Шотландии из группы под названием The Chevlons. "Cartoon" - на английском - "рисованный мультфильм", а "e" на конце вероятно добавлено для пущей важности, как например, "a" в "Beatles" и т.п. Cartoone были незаменимой группой, когда в Шотландию с гастролями приезжали какие-нибудь знаменитости из Англии. Cartoone играли "на разогреве" у The Tremeloes, The Merseybeats и The Hollies. 

В 1968 году Cartoone подались в Лондон, в надежде снискать контракт на запись. В Лондоне им помогла землячка из Шотландии - известная певица, актриса и телеведущая Лулу. Менеджер Лулу была Марион Масси, мужем которой был сочинитель песен и продюсер Марк Лондон. Cartoone показали ему несколько песен собственного сочинения, и Лондон был впечатлен. Он привел группу в студию, где они записали четыре песни просто под акустические гитары. Лондон показал эти записи Ахмету Эртегюну и Джерри Уэкслеру из Atlantic Records, которые подписали с Cartoone контракт на запись двух альбомов. Таким образом, Cartoone стали первой британской группой, подписанной на Atlantic Records, опередив на несколько месяцев Led Zeppelin. 

Cartoone представляли собой в то время квартет: Дирек Крейган (лидер-вокал, бас), Майк Эллисон (лидер-гитара, вокал), Мо Трауэрз (ритм-гитара, вокал), Чарли Коффилз (ударные, вокал). Led Zeppelin в то же самое время записывали на Atlantic свой первый альбом. Продюсер Cartoone Марк Лондон дружил и сотрудничал с менеджером Цеппелинов Питером Грантом. Отсюда и появился Джимми Пейдж на сессиях Cartoone. Он участвовал на записи всех номеров альбома, где играл либо на электрическом Телекастере, либо на акустическом Гибсоне, сделанном на заказ. Но не стоит искать в этом альбоме привычных нам по музыке Led Zeppelin энергичных пассажей Пейджа. Его роль здесь как студийного музыканта скромна и декоративна, тем не менее его игра легко различима. 

Дабы не было недоразумений, сразу скажем, что музыка Cartoone далека от хард-рока, который в то время зачинали играть Led Zeppelin. Это больше акустическая музыка с очень ярким вокалом Дирека Крейгана и красочной оркестровкой, которой обогатил альбом Джон Камерон, композитор для кино, аранжировщик, дирижер и музыкант. 

Такие мелодичные песни, как - "Knick Knack Man", "The Sadness Of Toby Jugg" - западают в душу после пары прослушиваний, и вы будете носить их в себе много дней. Многие песни в альбоме - "A Penny For The Sun" (Один пенни за солнце), "Girl Of Yesterday" (Девушка вчерашнего дня), "Can't Walk Back" (Я не могу вернуться), "Mr. Poor Man" (Мистер Бедняк) - поражают своим ретро звучанием. Все стилизовано и выдержано в духе 1950-х: вокал Крейгана, подпевки и оркестровка. Нечто подобное в те годы делали Bee Gees и Клифф Ричард. Тут же рядом с ними звучат психоделические номера, типа "Let Me Reassure You" (Позволь мне заверить тебя). Любопытное эклектическое звучание в "Ice Cream Dreams" (Мороженные мечты) - основная вокальная партия в духе начала 1960-х с характерными подпевками (а-а-а-а) на фоне психоделических уколов электрогитары (скорее всего Пейджа). Возможно самый жесткий номер альбома "I'll Stay" Майка Эллисона дает Пейджу возможность немного поблюзовать на гитаре. 

Лулу принимала участие в раскрутке земляков, пригласив на свою предновогоднюю телепрограмму 28 декабря 1968 г. А 16 января 1969 г. Cartoone выступили в популярной британской телепередаче Top Of The Pops, продвигая свой сингл Penny For The Sun/Knick Knack Man. Затем группа полетела для продвижения альбома в США, где выступили в нескольких телепередачах. В апреле-июне 1969 Cartoone вновь выехали в США, на сей раз в поддержку американского турне Led Zeppelin. Гастрольная жизнь вскоре настолько осточертела гитаристу Майку Эллисону, что он бросил группу, и Марк Лондон срочно нашел ему замену в лице талантливого гитариста Леса Харви - младшего брата знаменитого "сенсационного" Алекса Харви. Лес Харви играл до этого в своей команде Stone the Crows, которую менеджировали совместно Питер Грант и Марк Лондон. 

Лес Харви и Джимми Пейдж работали и во втором альбоме Cartoone с предполагаемым названием Reflections, который к сожалению так никогда и не увидел свет. Несмотря на неплохие продажи дебютного альбома (85 000 экз. продано только в США), Atlantic Records почему-то затормозила выпуск второго альбома. Когда Cartoone оказались в этой подвисшей ситуации, Лес Харви покинул их, давно желая вернуться в свою группу Stone the Crows, где главной вокалисткой была его подруга Мэгги Белл. Тогда Atlantic вообще расторг контракт и вычеркнул группу из своего каталога. Cartoone вернулись в Британию и распались, с разбитыми надеждами и разочарованиями. 

Лес Харви, при всем своем таланте, не смог добиться успеха со Stone the Crows, а в 1972 году трагически погиб от удара током на сцене, дотронувшись влажными руками до незаземленного микрофона. Мэгги Белл, которую в то время продвигали как британский ответ на Джанис Джоплин, записала два альбома на Atlantic Records, и оба - по иронии судьбы - компания отказалась выпускать. 

Дирек Крейган продолжал сочинять песни и записываться соло до своей смерти в 1990 г. Мо Трауэрз уехал в Австралию. Гитарист Майк Эллисон, который покинул группу в период интенсивных гастролей, предпочитая спокойно сочинять песни, добился успеха на этой стезе. Одна из его песен - "Every Face Tells A Story", написанная для певицы Оливии Ньютон-Джон стала хитом №1 и завоевала премию Грэмми. Он написал также половину песен для одного из популярных альбомов Клиффа Ричарда I'm Nearly Famous (1976). У Эллисона своя студия в Лондоне, где он работает с начинающими артистами. Бывший роуди Cartoone Деннис Шихан стал позже гастрольным менеджером группы U2. 

Cartoone удивительным образом выпадает из обычного потока музыки 1969 года. Это не психоделия и не хард-рок. Рекомендуем любителям хорошего вокала, гармоний, прекрасной аранжировки и оркестровки. Забавно также отслеживать во всех номерах звуки гитары Джимми Пейджа... 

воскресенье, 20 декабря 2020 г.

Lada Edmund


01. Foxy

02. I Want A Man

03.The Answer


05. I Know Something

06.Once Upon a Time

07.The Larue

08.This Time

09. Trouble

Lada Edmund

Lada Edmund was born Lada Michele Perkins in 1947.  Later known as Lada Edmund, Jr., she was originally cast in the Broadway production of "Bye Bye Birdie" with Dick Van Dyke and Chita Rivera in 1960. Later she was a featured dancer on "Hullabaloo" on NBC in 1965, as the "Hullabaloo A-Go-Go Girl in the cage."   She had records on Coral, Roulette & Decca (1962-1967)

After Hullabaloo, she appeared in a small budgeted movie filmed in New York entitled, "Out Of It." She would have second billing in the film with the third billing going to a then unknown-actor from Yonkers, New York named Jon Voight. His next film would be his breakout film, "Midnight Cowboy." Lada, seeing that she would have difficulty breaking in films, became a Hollywood stunt person and driver and became the highest paid female in that industry. She was one of the first female stunt people to establish a career in the field.

суббота, 19 декабря 2020 г.

Joann Bon And The Coquettes ‎– I'll Release You


I'll Release You 3:14

Make The World Go Away 2:53

You're Getting Restless 1:58

Crying Time 2:55

I Love You Drops 2:43

Danny Boy 2:54

Not From My World 2:38

Walk Thru This World With Me 2:42

Ode To Billy Jo 4:35

Four Walls 3:07

Burning Memories 2:32


Joann Bon & The Coquettes

United States

C&W Girl Group headed by Joann Bongiorno (vocals, accordion, saxophone) with Ruth Russo (vocals, guitar, trumpet, banjo), Carole Schneider (vocals, guitar, trombone), Karen Chanda (vocals, bass).

четверг, 17 декабря 2020 г.

Ellie Greenwich


Composes, Produces And Sings 1968

A1 I Want You To Be My Baby
Written-By – J. Hendricks
A2 Beautiful People
Written-By – K. O'Dell
A3 Baby Baby Baby
Written-By – E. Greenwich
A4 Goodnight, Goodnight (What's So Good About It?)
Written-By – B. Crewe, E. Greenwich
A5 A Long Time Comin'
Written-By – E. Greenwich
B1 The Sunshine After The Rain
Written-By – E. Greenwich
B2 Niki Hoeky
Written-By – J.H. Ford, L. Vegas, P. Vegas
B3 The Letter
Written-By – W. C. Thompson
B4 Oh How Happy
Written-By – E. Starr
B5 I'll Never Need More Than This
Written-By – Spector, Greenwich & Barry

Let It Be Written, Let It Be Sung 1973

A1 Maybe I Know 3:28
A2 Wait 'Til My Bobby Gets Home 3:19
A3 Today I Met The Boy I'm Gonna Marry 3:26
A4 And Then He Kissed Me 3:24
A5 If You Loved Me Once
Arranged By [Strings & Horns] – Pete Dino
A6 Be My Baby
Arranged By [Strings & Horns] – Pete Dino
B1 What Good Is I Love You 3:06
B2 Chapel Of Love 2:47
B3 I Can Hear Music 4:45
B4 Medley: Goodnight Baby - Baby I Love You 3:26
B5 Gettin' Together 3:08
B6 River Deep, Mountain High 3:28

"Ellie" Greenwich was an American pop music singer, songwriter, and record producer. She wrote or co-wrote many hit songs of the 60's & 70's including "Be My Baby", "Da Doo Ron Ron", "Leader of the Pack", and "River Deep, Mountain High". The husband-and-wife songwriting team of Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich would be among the most successful and prolific of Brill Building composers, a great many hits co-written and produced by Phil Spector. 
October 23, 1940 – August 26, 2009. Inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame in 2010 (songwriter).

Элли Гринвич (Ellie Greenwich) - автор известных песен, часть из которых были написаны ею в соавторстве со знаменитым музыкальным продюсером Филом Спектором, сообщает Associated Press. Как рассказала агентству ее племянница Джессика Уинер (Jessica Weiner), Гринвич умерла в среду, 26 августа, в нью-йоркской больнице, куда была госпитализирована с диагнозом пневмония. Причиной смерти стал инфаркт. Свои первые хиты Гринвич написала в начале 1960-х годов. Совместно со своим мужем Джеффом Бэрри (Jeff Barry) и Спектором она стала автором композиций для таких коллективов и исполнителей, как The Ronettes, The Crystals, The Shangri-Las, Тина Тернер. Впоследствии некоторые из этих песен перепели The Ramones, Джон Леннон, Smokie, The Beach Boys, Элтон Джон, Мэрайа Кэри (Mariah Carey), Шер, Джон Бон Джови, U2 и многие другие. В конце 60-х годов Гринвич работала в бэк-вокале у Фрэнка Синатры, а также участвовала в аранжировке песен Эллы Фитцджеральд. Кроме того, именно с ее помощью популярность приобрел известный американский певец Нил Даймонд (Neil Diamond). В США Гринвич считалась одним из самых популярных авторов-песенников. В 1991 году ее имя было внесено в американский Зал славы авторов песен (Songwriters Hall of Fame).

среда, 16 декабря 2020 г.

Sam Chalpin ‎– My Father The Pop Singer


Leader Of The Pack 2:25

Satisfaction 1:54

Bang Bang (my baby shot me down) 1:58

Dominique 1:42

Somewhere 2:09

I Want To Hold Your Hand 1:38

I Can't Stop Loving You 2:33

Michelle 2:40

Daydream 1:48

Batman 1:52


Я поставил в папку этот альбом в двух видах,каждая сторона одним файлом и обычно по трекам,подробная история этого странного диска в текстовом документе или здесь    spectropop.com

вторник, 15 декабря 2020 г.

Les Baroques ‎– The Golden Years Of Dutch Pop Music (A&B Sides + All Album Tracks)


1-1 –Les Baroques Silky (single version)

1-2 –Les Baroques My Lost Love

1-3 –Les Baroques Such A Cad

1-4 –Les Baroques Summerbeach

1-5 –Les Baroques I Know (That You'll Be Mine)

1-6 –Les Baroques She's Mine

1-7 –Les Baroques I'll Send You To The Moon

1-8 –Les Baroques Troubles

1-9 –Les Baroques Working On A Tsjing Tsjang

1-10 –Les Baroques Dreammaker

1-11 –Les Baroques Bottle Party

1-12 –Les Baroques Bread

1-13 –Les Baroques Love Is The Sun

1-14 –Les Baroques I Dreamed My Dreams Away

1-15 –Les Baroques Indication

1-16 –Les Baroques When You're Feeling Good

1-17 –Les Baroques Without Feeling, Without Mind

1-18 –Les Baroques Pardon Me I Think I'm Falling

1-19 –Gary O'Shannon Group The Barrel Organ

1-20 –Gary O'Shannon Group All We Need Is Time, My Love

2-1 –Les Baroques I Was Wrong

2-2 –Les Baroques Real Love

2-3 –Les Baroques Frankie's Blues

2-4 –Les Baroques Too Long

2-5 –Les Baroques O, O, Baby, Gimme That Show

2-6 –Les Baroques My Destiny

2-7 –Les Baroques Silky (album version)

2-8 –Les Baroques Cascard

2-9 –Les Baroques Why Did She Go

2-10 –Les Baroques Too Shy To Say Hello

2-11 –Les Baroques Girls Enough

2-12 –Les Baroques A New Girl 'Cross The Street

2-13 –Les Baroques For You

2-14 –Les Baroques We're Both To Blame

2-15 –Les Baroques Barbarians With Love

2-16 –Les Baroques Hold On To Me

2-17 –Les Baroques Oh Look How Sweet

2-18 –Les Baroques The Way You Do The Things You Do

2-19 –Les Baroques I'm Coming Home Baby

2-20 –Les Baroques I Want To Tell You

Les Baroques

Formed : 1965 // Baarn, Netherland Disbanded : 1969

Members : Frank Muyser (guitar, mouth organ, saxophone), Gerard Schoenaker (vocals), Hans van Emden (guitar), Raymond van Geytenbeek (vocals)

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2020 г.

The Millennium ‎– Begin


1 Prelude 1:18

2 To Claudia On Thursday 3:26

3 I Just Want To Be Your Friend 2:37

4 5 A.M. 2:39

5 I'm With You 2:35

6 The Island 3:19

7 Sing To Me 2:16

8 It's You 3:21

9 Some Sunny Day 3:21

10 It Won't Always Be The Same 2:58

11 The Know It All 2:41

12 Karmic Dream Sequence #1 5:56

13 There Is Nothing More To Say 2:24

14 Anthem (Begin) 2:42

Bonus Tracks

15 Just About The Same 2:21

16 Blight 3:02

17 It's You (Mono Single Version) 3:13

18 I Just Want To Be Your Friend (Mono Single Version) 2:35

19 5 A.M. (Mono Single Version) 2:44

20 Prelude (Mono Single Version) 1:18

21 It Won't Always Be The Same (Mono Single Version) 3:00

22 To Claudia On Thursday (Mono Single Version) 3:09

23 There Is Nothing More To Say (Mono Single Version) 2:25


The Millennium was an American super group based in California, who were conceived by Curt Boettcher. The group consisted of psychedelic rock musicians, and they incorporated sunshine pop harmonies.

суббота, 12 декабря 2020 г.

The Big Freeze From Outer Space


The Big Freeze Vol. 1 (Belgian 60's Garage "Forgotten Heroes")

1. The Snap Shots - Hip Hip Hurray (2:20)
2. Early Christian - Fire (3:01)
3. Berry Clan - Twenty Century (2:22)
4. Delphine - La Fermeture Eclair (2:35)
5. Guy Whatelet - Some People Said (2:15)
6. The Black Sharks - For What It's Worth (2:47)
7. The Dayaks - So Long Sad Sacks (3:08)
8. Tony And The Mule Station - Isbergues 2 AM (2:08)
9. The Four Rockets - The Place Where She Lives (2:40)
10. The Picknicks - I Know (1:51)
11. The Ropes - Is It True (2:20)
12. The Black Sharks - Too Much In Love (2:17)

The Big Freeze "From Outer Space" Vol. 2 (Belgian 60's Garage Bands)

1. Paul Simul - Bye Bye Dave (2:51)
2. The Pebbles - You Better Believe It (2:33)
3. The Small Rhapsody - Age Revival (1:49)
4. Brady Benton - Need Your Body Baby (2:55)
5. The Garnets - Cellar Of Narcotics (2:08)
6. The Sunbeats - Love Won't Come My way (2:38)
7. Paul And Johnny - I Like It (2:35)
8. The Yound Devils - I Don't Wanna Know (2:21)
9. The Foottappers - Waw Waw (1:53)
10. The Layabouts - It's All Along Of Me (2:39)
11. Guy Morgan And The Mustangs - Tortured Prisoner (3:21)
12. Robin - Robin Boy Wonder (2:48)
13. The Sir James Group - Conversation (2:09)

пятница, 11 декабря 2020 г.




1.Another Time
2.Song To The Magic Frog (Will You Ever Know)
3.You Know I've Found A Way
4.The Keeper Of The Games
6.Would You Like To Go
7.My World Fell Down
8.Hotel Indiscreet
9.I'm Not Living Here
10.Musty Dusty
11.The Truth Is Not Real

Bonus Tracks
12.Artificial Light (Of All The Living Lies) (Previously Unissued)
13.Get The Message (Previously Unissued)
14.Mass #586 (Previously Unissued)
15.Love's Fatal Way (Previously Unissued)
16.My World Fell Down (Mono Single Version)
17.Hotel Indiscreet (Mono Single Version)
18.Lonely Girl (Previously Unissued)
19The Keeper Of The Games (Demo) (Previously Unissued)
20.Sister Marie (Instrumental) (Previously Unissued)


1 In My Room 2:09
2 From You Unto Us 1:47
3 Will You Ever See Me 2:14
4 Gladys 2:46
5 I Sing My Song 2:45
6 The Blue Marble 2:59
7 Lend Me A Smile 3:11
8 I Still Can See Your Face 2:42
9 I See In You 3:14
10 Cloud Talk 2:24
Bonus Tracks:
11 In My Room 2:10
12 Navajo Girl 2:42
13 I Guess The Lord Must Be In New York City 2:33
14 I Still Can See Your Face 2:56

четверг, 10 декабря 2020 г.

среда, 9 декабря 2020 г.

Soft Sounds For Gentle People-He And She/Sounds Of She


01. The Hubbels - Hippy Dippy Funky Monkey Double Bubble Sitar Man

02. Tony & Siegrid - Up Here

03. Kathy & Larry - Time 

04. Friend & Lover - Circus 

05. The Source - You Don't Know What's Going On

06. Tingling Mother's Circus - Sunday Kind Of Feeling

07. Bunky & Jake - Taxicab 

08. St George & Tana - Big Daddy Blues 

09. Ranee & Raj - Rainbow Land 

10. Petticoat & Vine - Riding A Carousel

11. The Gas Company - Get Out Of My Life

12. Morley - Faran's Forest

13. Sunny & Pjyllis - I've Been Lost

14. Tony & Siegrid - You Don't Understand At All

15. Good & Plenty - Children Dreamin 

16. Bobby & I - Love Is For Sharing

17. Tony & Terri - California, LA

18. Rejoice! - Gardens Of Chelsea

19. Smokey & His Sister - Sheridan Square

20. Tee & Cara - I Don't Think I Know Her

21. Stormy & Gabriel - Comin Down

22. Gypsy Trips - Rock 'N Roll Gypsies


1–The Ravelles Psychedelic Movement

Vocals – Carmella Altobelli

2–Amanda Ambrose Green Plant

Arranged By, Conductor – The Tokens

3–The Enchanted Forest The Word Is Love

4–The Aquarians The Aquarians

5–Guardians Of The Rainbow What Do You Do When You've Lost Your Love

6–Lynn Castle With Last Friday's Fire The Lady Barber

7–Bunches 'A Good See The Farmer

8–Jonna Gault And Her Symphopop Scene Wonder Why, I Guess

9–Morningstarr If I Didn't Want To See You Anymore

Producer – Lou Rennau

10–Sunnygoode Street Just Another Dream

11–The Keefe Sisters Love Knows

12–The Pipe Dream In The Middle Of The Night

13–The Sugar Townes Billy Sunshine

14–Estelle Levitt All I Dream

15–London Phogg The Times To Come

16–Barbara Keith Fisherman King

17–The Carolyn Hester Coalition Rise Like Phoenix

18–Teina Too Soon

19–Sally Eaton Flowers In The Air

20–Ellen Margulies Meditation 1968

21–Marcia Strassman Self-Analysis

22–Kathy Gregory A New Beginning

23–Kathy McCord Rainbow Ride


понедельник, 7 декабря 2020 г.

воскресенье, 6 декабря 2020 г.

John's Children-Smashed Blocked!


A1 Smashed Blocked

A2 Just What You Want - Just What You'll Get

A3 Strange Affair

A4 But She's Mine

A5 Hippy Gumbo 2:38

A6 Jagged Time Lapse

A7 Midsummer Night's Scene (Alternative Version) 2:38

A8 Not The Sort Of Girl You Take To Bed

A9 Mustang Ford 2:23

B1 The Love I Thought I'd Found

B2 Remember Thomas A'Beckett

B3 Come And Play With Me In The Garden (Instrumental)

B4 Daddy Rolling Stone (BBC)

B5 Hot Rod Mama (BBC) 3:11

B6 Perfumed Garden Of Gulliver Smith (BBC) 3:34

B7 Jagged Time Lapse (BBC)3-43

B8 Sally Was An Angel (Instrumental) 3:11


John's Children were a 1960s pop art/mod rock band from Leatherhead, England that briefly featured future T. Rex frontman Marc Bolan. John's Children were known for their outrageous live performances and were booted off a tour with The Who in Germany in 1967 when they upstaged the headliners. Their 1967 single "Desdemona", a Bolan composition, was banned by the BBC because of the controversial lyric, "Lift up your skirt and fly". Their US record label delayed the release their album, Orgasm for four years from its recording date due to objections from Daughters of the American Revolution.

John's Children were active for less than two years and were not very successful commercially, having released only six singles and one album. But they had a big influence on punk rock and are seen by some as the precursors of glam rock. In retrospect the band has been praised for the impact they had, and their singles have become amongst the most sought-after British 1960s rock collectables.

суббота, 5 декабря 2020 г.

Various ‎– Soft Sounds For Gentle People 5 (Far-Out Treasures From California And Beyond, 1966-1969)


1–Stix & Stonz Take A Bus 2:18

2–The Johnnys Nothing Sacred 2:29

3–Mouse  Look At The Sun 2:37

4–The Rainy Daze Blood Of Oblivion 2:39

5–People Riding High 2:16

6–Wells And Fargo Mother Goose Sonata 3:06

7–Things To Come Hello 2:22

8–Roman Chariot Five Sensations 2:27

9–The Delicate Balance Autumn Wind 2:27

10–Bentley Road Kill The Cobra 2:26

11–The Charter Members All The World's Kings 2:27

12–The Carnival Four Seasons 2:38

13–The Phoenix Trolley When Charley's Doing His Thing 2:46

14–Misty Morn Summer Sunshine 2:53

15–Devil's Brigade Dreaming Is 2:34

16–The Sandals House Of Painted Glass 2:34

17–The Lollipop Fantasy It's A Groovy World 2:10

18–The Flower Pot Gentle People 2:43

19–The Capes Of Good Hope Lady Margaret 2:37

20–The 1st Century Looking Down 2:18

21–The Fraternity Of Man Wispy Paisley Skies 2:21


пятница, 4 декабря 2020 г.

Bo Diddley ‎– Another Dimension


The Shape I'm In 3:21

I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know 7:31

Pollution 4:39

Bad Moon Rising 2:42

Down On The Corner 3:19

I Said Shutup Woman 3:33

Bad Side Of The Moon 2:58

Lodi 3:12

Go For Broke (Instrumental) 3:05


Backing Vocals – Cookie Vee, Kathy Alson, Leslie Zimei

Bass – Don Olsen

Drums – John Birganti

Guitar – Al Kooper, Bo Diddley, Bob Gallo, Carl Schickler, Sonny Hahn

Keyboards – Al Kooper, Mike Mattia

Percussion – Bo Diddley, Bob Dorsa, Bob Gallo, Cookie Vee, Vince Traina

Producer – Bob Gallo

Saxophone – Eddie Covi

Supervised By [監修] – 小出斉

Trombone – Carl Schickler

Trumpet – Mike Mattia

Ellas Otha Bates McDaniel

(December 30, 1928, McComb, MS, United States - June 2, 2008, Archer, Florida, United States.)

An influential singer & guitarist who recorded his best known material for the Checker and Chess labels. In 1955, Diddley scored his first hit with the double sided single "Bo Diddley"/"I'm A Man" and a string of R&B hits followed through the 50's & early 60's, most notably "Diddley Daddy", "Say Man", "Roadrunner" and "Mona".

His trademark rhythm, the "Bo Diddley Beat", was an acknowledged influence on Buddy Holly, The Rolling Stones, Jim Morrison, The Yardbirds and George Thorogood, among others.

Diddley was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame in 1987 (Performer).

From 1960 to 1980 he was married to Kay McDaniel (born Kay Reynolds)

четверг, 3 декабря 2020 г.

Blossom Toes



Look At Me I'm You 4:09

I'll Be Late For Tea 2:38

The Remarkable Saga Of The Frozen Dog 2:35

Telegram Tuesday 2:28

Love Is 2:22

What's It For 2:49

People Of The Royal Parks 2:12

What On Earth 2:47

Mrs. Murphy's Budgerigar 2:34

I Will Bring You This And That 2:50

Mister Watchmaker 2:12

When The Alarm Clock Rings 2:15

The Intrepid Balloonist's Handbook, Volume One 2:05

You 2:37

Track For Speedy Freaks (Or Instant LP Digest) 1:18


Peace Loving Man 4:53

Kiss Of Confusion 4:44

Listen To The Silence 4:55

Love Bomb 6:34

Billy Boo The Gunman 7:07

Indian Summer 5:54

Just Above My Hobby Horse's Head 3:52

Wait A Minute 5:48

Blossom Toes

English Psychedelic Pop band active between 1967 and 1969. Initially known as The Ingoes, they were renamed and signed to manager Giorgio Gomelsky's Marmalade label.

среда, 2 декабря 2020 г.

Various– The East Village Other


1a –Steve Weber If I Had A Half A Mind

1b –Velvet Underground, The Noise

1c –Gerard Malanga and Ingrid Superstar Gossip

1d –Marion Brown, Scott Holt  and Ronald Shannon Jackson Jazz Improv

1e –Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky Mantras

1f –Tuli Kupferberg Love And Ashes Guitar – Peter Rawson Vocals – Viki Pollon

1g –Ishmael Reed The Free Lance Pall Bearers

1h –Andy Warhol Silence





CD reissue of the 1966 LP, originally released on ESP Disk. Limited edition (1000 copies). One track from the original, "Interview With Hairy", is omitted. 

LP-style card sleeve, containing a paper sheet wrapped around an inner sleeve (featuring the Get Back logo). 

An audio collage based on a radio broadcast about the wedding of Luci Johnson (daughter of U.S. President Johnson). 

The album appears as one continuous track on the CD. (Total time: 22:56.) The tracklisting as printed is: 

LUCI'S WEDDING by plastic clock radio 

IF I HAD A HALF A MIND by Steve Weber 

GOSSIP by Gerard Malanga and Ingrid Superstar 

NOISE by The Velvet Underground 

JAZZ IMPROV by Marion Brown, Scott Holt, and Ron Jackson 

MANTRAS by Allan[sic] Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky 

LUCI'S WEDDING by plastic clock radio 

LOVE AND ASHES by Tuli Kupferberg sung by Kupferberg and Viki Pollon with Peter Rawson on guitar. 

THE FREE LANCE PALL BEARERS (c) copyright 1966 Ishmael Reed 

SILENCE by Andy Warhol (c) copyright 1932

The East Village Other (LP) ESP Disk 1034 US 1966

East Village Other (EVO) (CD, RE) ESP Disk, ZYX Music ESP 1034-2 Germany Unknown

The East Village Other ?(LP, Etch, S/Sided) Get Back GET 1012 Italy 1998

The East Village Other (LP) ESP Disk 1034LP US 2013

Noise By The Velvet Underground (LP, Unofficial, Gol) Not On Label (The Velvet Underground) none US 1980

вторник, 1 декабря 2020 г.

Ultra Violet ‎– Ultra Violet


A1 42nd Street 2:26

A2 As Time Goes By 2:54

A3 Cool Mac Daddy 2:48

A4 Shanghai Bill 4:06

A5 A Clown And A Stranger 3:35

B1 How Do You Do 2:57

B2 L'Homme Que J'aime (The Man I Love) 3:14

B3 La Vie En Rose 3:00

B4 Love Flame 3:22

B5 Loving 6:04


Art Direction – John Hoernle

Guitar – Todd Rundgren

Photography By – Andy Warhol

Producer – Jeffrey Cheen

Vocals – Ultra Violet 

Isabelle Collin Dufresne

French-American artist, author and Andy Warhol superstar, born 6 September 1935 in La Tronche, Grenoble, France, died 14 June 2014 in New York, New York, USA.

понедельник, 30 ноября 2020 г.

Various ‎– Soft Sounds For Gentle People 4


1–The Cosmic Brotherhood Sunshine World

2–The Luv Birds Little Faces

3–The Precious Few The Carnival

4–The 1st Century Dancing Girl  

5–The Split Level Looking At The Rose Through World

6–The Factory No Place I'd Rather Be

7–Central Park Flower Hill

8–The Phoenix Trolley Three Part Invention (Too Many Trees)

9–1st National Band When Once It Was Good

10–The Rooney Brothers Geordie

11–The Smithsonian Institute Boston Bay

12–Mark Erickson And The Point Dume Boys Hey, In The Water

13–The Laughing Wind Don't Take Very Much To See Tomorrow

14–The Thousand Faces A Thousand Faces

15–The Lemonade Charade Yellow Brick Road

16–Lux When I'm Gone

17–The Chuck Barris Syndicate Donnie

18–Jennifer's Friends Visions

19–Public Company Hearts And Flowers

20–The Fragile Lime Day In The Sun

21–The Fourth Dimension Land Of Make Believe

22–The Fountain Of Youth Sunshine On A Cold Morning

23–Incredible Fog When The Sun's Gone Down

Compilation, Unofficial Release

воскресенье, 29 ноября 2020 г.

Nuuskamuikkunen ‎– Laulaa Ja Soittaa Bob Dylania


A1 Setä Pelimanni = Hey Mister Tambourine Man 4:16

A2 Hei Tule Takaisin = I Want You 3:00

A3 En Ymmärtää Voi = I Don't Believe You 3:43

A4 Kaikki Ohi On = It's All Over Now Baby Blue 4:14

A5 Bob Dylanin Uni = Bob Dylan's Dream 3:41

A6 Paras Kun Erotaan = Most Likely Your Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) 3:05

B1 Kuin Nuori Nainen = Just Like A Woman 4:28

B2 Olet Yksin Taas = Like A Rolling Stone 6:23

B3 Huominen On Niin Kaukana = Tomorrow Is A Long Time 3:15

B4 En Minä Joku Toinen = It Ain't Me Babe 2:58

B5 Anna Olla Älä Huoli Lain = Don't Think Twice, It's Alright 3:10

B6 Heitin Kaiken Pois = I Threw It All Away 2:24


Arranged By, Piano, Organ – Kari Kuusamo

Composed By – Bob Dylan

Drums – "Nappi" Ikonen

Electric Bass – Martti Metsäketo

Electric Guitar – Hasse Walli

Recorded By – Antero Harpf

Translated By, Arranged By – Timo Ulkuniemi

суббота, 28 ноября 2020 г.

Abner Jay ‎– Terrible Comedy Blues


A1 I'm So Depressed

A2 Cocaine

A3 Vietnam

A4 Woke Up This Morning

B1 Bring It With You When You Come

B2 Wee Wee

B3 I Wanna Job

B4 Don't Mess With Me Baby

B5 The Royal Palm

Abner Jay

American multi-instrumentalist (1921 – 1993), who is best known for performing eccentric, blues infused folk music, as a one man band. His idiosyncratic lyrics and style can also be considered within the realm of outsider music.

четверг, 26 ноября 2020 г.

Various ‎– Mystic Males (Soft Sounds For Gentle People Presents Tripped-Out Troubadours From 1965-1970)


1–J.P. Rags Soul Sunrise

2–Gordon Alexander Windy Wednesday

3–Harumi Hunters Of Heaven

4–Bill & Howdy Misty Morning Confrontation

5–Bob Ray (Girl With The) Cameo Ring

6–Michael Blodgett Fire Engine Sky

7–Thomas Hill Glider Pilot

8–Paul Parrish Suzanne

9–Bobby Jameson Jamie

10–Dick Domane Bad Dream 2:57

11–Chip Taylor You Should Be From Monterey

12–Tom Parrott Groovy And Linda 3:19

13–Tommy Roe Paisley Dreams

14–Kenny O'Dell Flower Girl 2:37

15–Dino Valente Birdses 2:35

16–Teddy Neeley Autumn Afternoon

17–Bob Lind Elinor

18–Bob Siller In This Tiny Lonesome Place

19–Vince Donofrio Daisy

20–Jim Valley Invitation

21–Sunshine A Sad Thought This Is 2:43

22–Now Deja Vu 2:53

23–Hamilton Camp Lonely Place


CD, Compilation, Unofficial Release

среда, 25 ноября 2020 г.

Philamore Lincoln ‎– The North Wind Blew South


The North Wind Blew South

You're The One

Lazy Good For Nothin'

Early Sherwood

Rainy Day

Temma Harbour

The Plains Of Delight

The County Jail Band

When You Were Looking My Way

Blew Through


Robert Cromwell Anson

Philip Kinorra was born Robert Cromwell Anson on 20th October 1940 is Sherwood, Nottingham. He started playing drums in his mid-teens before joining the RAF, where he played in a band that also featured alto saxophonist Trevor Watts, later Spontaneous Music Ensemble and Amalgam . It was at this juncture that Anson began to call himself Phill Kinorra in honour of his favourite jazz drummers - Phil Seamen, Tony Kinsey and Bobby Orr.

Two years after his debut single as Philamore Lincoln, the man reappeared with his first and only album - 1970's "The North Wind Blew South."  Produced by James Wilder with brothers Glyn and Andrew Johns engineering, the album offered up a consistently interesting mix of genres including folk ('Early Sherwood'), country ('Lazy Good for Nothin'') and plenty of pop-psych moves.  Lincoln may have looked like a stoned Hendrix wannabe, but the man had a highly versatile and commercial voice.  He also had a knack from penning radio-friendly hooks that combined a variety of then-popular genres.  Virtually every one of these ten tunes had commercial potential.  Against that backdrop it was hard to pick favorites, but my top-three would be 1.)  'You're the One', 2.) 'The North Wind Blew South', and 3.) 'The Plains of Delight'.

This is nothing more than speculation on my part, but I'm guessing that the song actually date back to the 1968 NEMS sessions with Mike Vickers.  CBS/Epic had distributed NEMS product and when the label collapsed several of the NEMS acts reappeared CBS/Epic.  The album also included 'Rainy Day' which had been the "B" side of the earlier NEMS single.  Ignoring the business end of the equation, songs like the title track, 'You're the One' and 'When You Were Looking My Way' had a distinctive late-'60s vibe.  

The album was also interesting from a marketing standpoint in that it was released in the US and Canada, but not the UK.  Epic released the two Lincoln singles in advance of the album and their failure to sell may have convinced the label there was no market for the album in the UK.  Note the US release stressed the Lincoln's English links - "produced in England by James Wilder"

See the extra information section for more information on the man.
So let me warn you that you'll need a map to keep track of this one.

The artist known as Philamore Lincoln was born Robert Cromwell Anson.  He took up drums at an early age and after a mandatory stint in the Royal Air Force, turned his attention to becoming a professional musician.  Adopting the stage name Phil Kinnora, throughout the early 1960s he worked with a number of jazz bands; including the Peter King Quintet, the Ronnie Scott Quintet and The Don Rendell New Jazz Quintet.  (I'm not a psychologist, but it was interesting to note the name was apparently inspired by Anson's favorite jazz drummers -  PHIL Seaman; Tony KINsea and Bobby ORR.)   Having relocated to London, 1963 saw him working with The Brian Auger Trinity.  Unhappy being a sideman, in 1964 Kinnora struck out on his own adopted a new stage name - Julian Covey.  He also decided to jump into rock and roll, forming the band The Machine; quickly morphing into Julian Covey & the Machine.   Going through a never-ending stream of personnel changes, Covey and company spent the next three years touring. 1967 saw them signed to Chris Blackwell's Island Records, releasing a one shot single.  Surprisingly the 45 was even release in the States:

 US release:
- 1967's 'A Little Bit of Hurt' b/w 'Sweet Bacon' (Island catalog number 40505)
  UK release:
- 1967's 'A Little Bit of Hurt' b/w 'Sweet Bacon' (Island catalog number WIP 6009)

The Constant Sound – The Constant Sound

 A1 Time A2 Come Out In The Sun A3 Dancing Patterns A4 Avalon A5 Playtime A6 Calico Bus B1 The Constant Sound B2 Rid...